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记述在陕西北部米脂县李家站乡张崖村上三叠统延长群瓦窑堡组中发现的进步古鳕类一新属新种Mizhilepiszhangyaensisgen.etsp.nov.,它与美国西部上三叠统钦尔组(ChinleFormation)和东北部上三叠统纽瓦克超群(NewarkSupergroup)中的TanaocrossusSchaeffer有密切的亲缘关系。文章还讨论了斯堪的纳维亚鳕科(Scanilepidae)的系统分类位置。  相似文献   
不同经度地区北草蜥的喜好体温和热耐受性   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
杜卫国 《动物学报》2006,52(3):478-482
在外温动物热生理特征的进化理论中,“静态”和“易变”是两个持续争论的对立观点。热生理学特征的种内变异是检验此类假设的最有力证据。本研究比较了不同经度地区北草蜥的热环境和热生理特征,以检验“静态”和“易变”假设。东部沿海地区(宁德)的环境温度高于内陆地区(贵阳),与之相适应,沿海地区北草蜥的喜好体温也高于内陆地区。然而,两地区蜥蜴的上临界温度和下临界温度无显著差异。尽管这些热生理学特征的种群间变异趋势并不一致,但是喜好温度随环境温度变化而改变的结果符合“易变”假设的预测。此外,本研究表明蜥蜴的喜好体温存在沿经度方向的地理变异。  相似文献   
神农架北坡堵河源自然保护区植物多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为建立自然保护区,保护神农架北坡堵河源地区丰富的生物多样性资源,并为神农架地区植物起源、植被演替以及生物多样性和濒危物种状况深入、准确评价提供基础数据,2002年,采用路线调查与标准地调查相结合的方法,结合历史资料,对堵河源地区的野生植物资源进行了实地野外调查研究,分析了植物区系和植物多样性及其受威胁状况。结果表明:(1)该保护区具有丰富的植物物种多样性,有维管束植物174科730属1733种(含亚种、变种),其中,国家重点保护野生植物有23种;(2)该区植物区系成分具有复杂性、多样性,拥有中国种子植物分布区类型属级水平的全部类型,但明显偏重于温带性质。且植物区系起源古老,有中国特有分布属37个,其中,古特有属27个;(3)该区具有丰富的植被类型,包括4个植被型组,8个植被型,26个群系,具有较高的保护和科研价值。同时针对保护区植物多样性受威胁状况,提出了植被恢复、加强防火设备设施建设、生态移民、保护珍稀濒危植物及社区共管是保护植物多样性的有效措施。  相似文献   
利用Blast检索、EST分析和RT-PCR,在水稻中分离到一个与拟南芥COI1同源的新基因,命名为OsCOI1.OsCOI1编码595个氨基酸.推测的OsCOI1编码蛋白有一个F-boxmotif和16个富含亮氨酸的重复序列,这与拟南芥COI1相似.OsCOI1在氨基酸水平上和COI1有很高的同源性(74%).经半定量RT-PCR法和RNA印迹分析,表明水稻中OsCOI1表达水平在经茉莉酸甲酯和脱落酸处理后呈明显变化,但不受水杨酸和乙烯的影响,说明OsCOI1可能在茉莉酸信号途径和脱落酸途径中具有特定功能.  相似文献   
ABSC ISIC AC ID-INSITIVE3(AB I3)、LEAFY COTYLEDON2(LEC2)和FUSCA3(FUS3)转录因子在种子发育过程中发挥着重要的调控作用。采用Northern杂交技术,用拟南芥AB I3保守的B3结构域部分序列作为探针分别与花生根、茎、叶、子叶RNA进行了杂交,同时也对花生根、茎、叶、子叶(含胚)组织切片进行了原位杂交,结果均显示只有在花生的子叶和胚中有杂交信号出现,表明花生中可能存在AB I3、FUS3和LEC2的同源基因,且它们只分布在花生的子叶和胚中。  相似文献   
Lake-sediment records were used to reconstruct human impact on the landscape around Lago Lucone (45°33′N, 10°29′E, 249 m a.s.l.), a former lake in the western amphitheatre system of the Lago di Garda. Presence of prehistoric human populations is attested by pile-dwelling settlements from the Early-Middle Bronze Age, with one settlement at a distance of only 100 m from the coring site. Pollen, plant-macrofossil and microscopic charcoal analyses were applied to a 250 cm sediment core with four dates providing the time control. A mixed oak forest that was important during the Early-Middle Holocene was cleared and replaced by open vegetation during the Bronze Age (∼2000–1100 b.c.) when open lands were estimated to have covered more than 60% of the total relevant pollen-source area. During a phase of high human impact, independent climatic proxies suggest warm and dry climatic conditions. Later, ca. 1100 b.c., palaeobotanical evidence indicates a sharp decrease in human pressure in the Lago Lucone area. The comparison with other sedimentary palaeocultural records shows that the period 1300–1100 b.c. was characterised by general declines of agricultural activities both south and north of the Alps. These declines have been previously attributed to a change towards wetter and colder climatic conditions in and around the Alps. However, the decline in human impact around Lago Lucone cannot be exclusively attributed to climatic variation. Therefore other forcing factors independent of climatic changes, such as cultural crises or changes in spatial organisation of the habitats, cannot be ruled out under the present state of knowledge.  相似文献   
Capsule Changes in return date coincided with marked changes in population size that probably resulted in fluctuating competition for nest-sites.

Aims To document the changes in return dates over a 44-year period and to identify the factors associated with these changes.

Methods We compared changes in return date at Shetland colonies with those for the Isle of May, southeast Scotland, and with the available information on population size, the abundance of some fish species eaten by Common Guillemots and large-scale changes in the oceanography and climate of the eastern Atlantic as reflected by the winter index of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

Results Common Guillemots normally return to colonies in Shetland in late winter. However, during the 1960s return dates became gradually earlier with birds present from early October. Autumn return remained the norm for about ten years after which return dates gradually reverted back to late winter. In contrast, Common Guillemots on the Isle of May, 400 km south of Shetland, showed no marked shift, returning in October each year. There was a strong negative correlation between date of return of Shetland birds and population size, whereas on the Isle of May birds came back earlier when there was a large positive winter NAO index. There was no convincing evidence that changes in wintering areas or fish abundance influenced when birds returned to the colonies, although the fish data may not have been collected on the correct spatial scale.

Conclusion Competition for high quality nest-sites is the most likely reason for Common Guillemots returning to the colonies during the autumn and winter.  相似文献   
The study investigates the effect of the month of birth and ambient light conditions at birth on sleep length and chronotype among residents of high latitudes. The authors surveyed 1172 persons (609 girls, 563 boys) age 11 to 18 yrs living in five villages and four towns located between 59.5°N and 67.6°N latitude. Survey participation was voluntary and anonymous. Sleep length and chronotype were assessed using the Munich chronotype questionnaire (MCTQ). The study showed the sleep length and chronotype of the children and adolescents depended on sex, age, type of settlement (town/village), and latitude of residence. Latitude exerted a stronger impact on sleep length and chronotype of children and adolescents living in villages than on those of their urban counterparts. Month of birth had no effect on sleep length and chronotype. There was a significant effect of the time of sunrise, sunset, and day length at birth on the chronotype of children and adolescents. A later chronotype was observed in the sample of young persons living above the Arctic Circle who were born during the polar day and polar night. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
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